Partner Integrations: MakePrintable on 3DIAX

3DIAX is designed to work with 3rd party services. One of our earliest partners is Makeprintable. Go ahead and check them out, I’ll wait.


I’m glad you’re back. Makeprintable takes 3D models and repairs any deficiencies in them to make them printable. Appropriate name, isn’t it? Makeprintable works with 3DIAX and here’s how we’ll do it:

1 - Create an account on Makeprintable

2 - Create an API key on Makeprintable for use with 3DIAX

3 - Upload a model to 3DIAX

4 - Send the model through 3DIAX to Makeprintable

5 - Print!

Create an account with MakePrintable

Creating an account with [Makeprintable]( is pretty easy. Head over to Makeprintable and ask for an invitation. Let's us know when you sign up and we can speed up the process to get a username and password set up.

Create an API key on Makeprintable for use with 3DIAX

We don’t control the Makeprintable website, but I’ll show you the steps for now. They may change at any time, so don’t completely trust the images.

Head to Makeprintable login. Login.

Click on ‘Settings’ that drops down from the menu with your name.


Then click on ‘API keys’


From here you’ll upload a model to 3DIAX

Uploading a model to 3DIAX is easy. You can see the Tutorial for information on how to upload a model. Let’s assume for the sake of this tutorial that you have uploaded a model and the URI for the model is

I’ve actually uploaded a model there that you can use to follow along. It looks like this:


This model has a few simple errors that makes it renderable, but not printable. We’re going to send it to Makeprintable to be repaired.

Send the model through 3DIAX to Makeprintable

Now we’re ready to send our model to Makeprintable. We’ll need to send a request to 3DIAX to do so on our behalf. It looks like this:

Content-Type: application/json

    "type"                      : "makeprintable",
    "parametersMakePrintable"   : {
        "name"                  : "my-repaired-file",
        "wall_thickness"        : 1,
        "print_quality"         : 'standard',
        "pre_optimize"          : 0,
        "post_optimize"         : 0,
        "api_key"               : "your-api-key",

The parameters above are Makeprintable-specific. You can see their API docc for information on what each parameter means. The request will respond with a Location header which will be the URL for a new model resource that was created. This model resource will get populated by makeprintable when your repair is complete.

In my case we have a Location header of You can immediately GET that resource to see the status of the repair:

Content-Type: application/json

    "analyses'          : {"manifold': null},
    "callback_method'   : null,
    "callback_url'      : null,
    "children'          : [],
    "content'           : null,
    "created'           : "2015-07-10T22:42:55.032051',
    "name'              : "logo-damaged.stl',
    "parents'           : ["'],
    "size'              : {"x': null, "y': null, "z': null},
    "snapshot'          : null,
    "status'            : "not-uploaded',
    "updated'           : "2015-07-10T22:42:55.032051',
    "upload-location'   : "...",

This tells me that the fixed file is not yet uploaded so we don’t know much about except the parent model that was used to generate it. We wait a bit and poll again and we’ll see something more like this:

Content-Type: application/json

    "analyses"          : {"manifold": true},
    "callback_method"   : null,
    "callback_url"      : null,
    "children"          : [],
    "content"           : "",
    "created"           : "2015-07-10T22:42:55.032051",
    "name"              : "my-repaired-file",
    "parents"           : [""],
    "size": {
        "x": 6.65513,
        "y": 6.94019,
        "z": 6.66039
    "snapshot"          : "",
    "status"            : "processed",
    "updated"           : "2015-07-10T22:44:02.306002",
    "upload-location"   : null,

Here we see that the new file has been supplied to 3DIAX and is a proper manifold file (unlike our previous file). It has the name we provided it and we’ve calculated some dimensions and produced a snapshot. Here it is:


As you can see Makeprintable has repaired the gaping hole in my model as well as some other items that you couldn’t see in our damaged logo.


The code that I used to do this is below in Python, but it works just as well in any language you like since it’s all just HTTP requests.

#!/usr/bin/env python
import argparse
import pprint
import requests
import time

def _send_file_via_3diax(session, model_uri, api_key):
    url = model_uri + "/transformation/"
    payload = {
        "transformations"       : [{
            'type'                      : 'makeprintable',
            'parametersMakePrintable'   : {
                'name'                  : 'fixed-logo',
                'wall_thickness'        : 1,
                'print_quality'         : 'standard',
                'pre_optimize'          : 0,
                'post_optimize'         : 0,
                'api_key'               : api_key,
    response =, json=payload)
    assert response.status_code == 201, "Failed to send model: {}".format(response.content)
    new_model = response.headers['Location']
    status = None
    while status != 'processed':
        response = session.get(new_model)
        assert response.status_code == 200

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument('model_uri', help='The model URI to use')
    parser.add_argument('username', help='The username for DIAX')
    parser.add_argument('password', help='The password for DIAX')
    parser.add_argument('api_key', help='The api key for makeprintable')
    args = parser.parse_args()

    session = requests.Session()
    payload = {
        'username'  : args.username,
        'password'  : args.password,

    response ='', json=payload)
    assert response.status_code == 201, "Login failed: {}".format(response.content)
    _send_file_via_3diax(session, args.model_uri, args.api_key)

if __name__ == '__main__':