.. _quoting-overview: Overview ======== Quoting service will quote a price for printing your model with a specific material and from a particular vendor or bureau as we call it. All operations work on model URIs which are universally unique identifiers for 3d geometry. The system is built this way to work harmoniously with tools that manage secure storage and versioning of assets like 3Diax’s Secure Model Storage. The user provides the model URI and some simple properties that is specific to his needs like the bureau he wants a quote of the print from, material he wants the print to be in, currency of the quote and a callback_url to get the quote at. Quoting service then securely accesses the model data. Technical details on how to build systems involving Quoting can be found in the Quoting :ref:`quoting-tutorial`. Developers may also be interested in the Quoting :ref:`quoting-reference`. Quoting module currently supports two bureaus: ``Materialise`` and ``Shapeways``. The service is available both in 3Diax Cloud and on-premises deployments.