
Installation of Authentise Echo is simple. You’ll be provided with a windows self-installer package, either a binary executable or a windows MSI installer, called Echo-1.4.exe or Echo-x64-1.4.msi. Download and then launch the installer. You’ll see a screen similar to the following:


You’ll need to review and agree to the terms and conditions before continuing. Once you’ve done that the installer will copy over the files that it needs to run


The installation may include the .NET runtime 4.5 which, if required, will download over the Internet. This may take some time depending on the speed of your Internet connection.

When the file copy completes the installer will open the Authentise Echo configuration application. This application will require you to log in with your Authentise username and password. You’ll want to be sure to register your username and password before setting up Authentise Echo.


When you supply your credentials to Authentise the program will create a new API token for you. This token is to allow Authentise Echo to upload meta data on your behalf. Be default you will only be able to see reports for data that are uploaded with your user. As soon as the configuration application has created an API token it will navigate you to the page where you can list and set up your modelers (printers).

You’ll see a page that will look much like this


This page shows you the list of modelers. If this is your first time installing Authentise Echo there will be no modelers listed here, as shown. You can start by clicking on Add Modeler. You’ll see a window like the following:


Here we’ve filled in some simple data about our modeler such as the name, which can be anything meaningful to you or your organization. We’ll also need the the IP address, which should be the IPv4 or IPv6 address used to communicate from the computer you are installing Authentise Echo on to the modeler over the network. The serial number may be the actual serial number of the printer, if you know it, or it can be any meaningful value for distinguishing the printer uniquely. Finally you’ll need to select the printer type from our list of supported printers.

Once the information is entered you select the Create button and the modeler information will be saved.


The Authentise Echo service will then restart and load the new configuration. Within a minute you should see Echo Configuration show a page as follows


The colored circle next to the modeler’s name indicates it’s status. It initially starts out blue, meaning that the modeler has only been created and no communications have been established. As the server pulls down the new configuration and starts communication with the modeler it will turn green

At this point you can close Echo Configuration and you’ll see that the installation is complete


With time Authentise Echo will begin to capture data about the prints being performed on your printer and you’ll be able to view reports on the dashboard at

If you have questions or comments please contact us at